The window seat considered


The window seat considered

The Interior Dispatch - Charlotte Minty Interior Design - The Window Seat Considered


Window seats have featured in many CMID residential projects for a range of design reasons. Let’s consider those reasons and the gains to be had from installing a window seat.

1. Space is at a premium in some homes and finding extra seating can be a challenge. A window seat is a simple and effective means of easing seating restrictions without adding to the chair or sofa population on a limited floor space.

2. Associated with the issue of space, a window seat with drawers or with an empty cavity below offers extra storage largely hidden from view. A bonus is that window seat storage can be quite sizable.

The Interior Dispatch - Charlotte Minty Interior Design - The Window Seat Considered

Vanessa Alexander

The Interior Dispatch - Charlotte Minty Interior Design - The Window Seat Considered

Courtesy of Pinterest

3. Window seating can be transformational insofar that it can serve as a creative way to turn underused or even ‘dead’ space in a house into a functional and stylish feature.

A window seat has the power to carry you into the view outside.

4. A well-placed window seat can be the ideal way to frame the world beyond. It almost compels you to pause, sit and adsorb your exterior view – the garden, orchard, treeline, beach etc. A window seat has the power to carry you into the view outside.

5. And in many cases, window seating can conversely help to invite the view into your home. Indeed, many window seats project out from the house in a way that transports the outside world indoors.

The Interior Dispatch - Charlotte Minty Interior Design - The Window Seat Considered

Pipkorn and Kilpatrick

6. Many homes have beautiful windows that are obscured by a sofa. A window seat will open the window to the interior, draw attention to the window and serve the same seating function as the offending sofa.

7. The versatility of the window seat cannot be denied. It suits all styles – contemporary or traditional – and all spaces – bathrooms, living rooms, home offices, or dining rooms. In addition, the window seat is largely unobtrusive and having various versions of it will not necessarily overwhelm the house.

The versatility of the window seat cannot be denied.

8. Developing the idea of versatility, a window seat can easily serve the dual purpose of also being a very comfortable sleeping spot for the overnight guest. This can save thinking - and money - about whether to build an extra bedroom or buying an extra bed. With a decent sized window seat, the answer to where to put your sleepy guest is right there!

The Interior Dispatch - Charlotte Minty Interior Design - The Window Seat Considered

The Design Files

The Interior Dispatch - Charlotte Minty Interior Design - The Window Seat Considered

The Design Files

9. There are few better places to recline, relax and reflect than a well-appointed window seat. Entering a well-designed home or space should always elevate one’s wellbeing – whether it’s obvious in the design or not. Devoting a specific space for wellbeing and reflection is often overlooked. Problem solved with a comfortable window seat.

Devoting a specific space for wellbeing and reflection is often overlooked. Problem solved with a comfortable window seat.

10. A surprisingly effective location for the window seat is a passageway. At the top of a set of stairs is a particularly good spot. Doing so can bring more life, and – with the right seat covering – materiality and colour to a sometimes overlooked and undercooked part of the house.

The reasons for a window seat in your home are indeed plentiful – it is a design solution worthy of consideration.

Words: Craig Greaves

Charlotte Minty